

Popping and jigging on remote outer Great Barrier Reef locations.

Utopia offers discounted extended trips to remote outer Great Barrier Reef locations chasing large Dog Tooth Tuna, Giant Trevally and other bruisers of the deep, for the ultimate personalised popping and jigging experience.

Our preferred charter size is for two to five anglers doing  four to seven day trips. This allows plenty of time to cover a large distance and range of unique country on the Great Barrier reefs outer edge. On windy days you'll appreciate having a large stable boat to do your fishing from and also not being part of a mixed charter allows your group more flexibility in deciding movements between locations and types of fishing you may wish to try your hand at.

Located 70 nautical miles from the mainland on the outer edge of our 30 plus mile wide reef network, the area surrounding Myrmidon Reef is one of the hot spots we'll take you to experience some of the best fishing you will ever encounter. There are only two types of fish here, BIG and BIGGER. The long distances required to travel to these locations, combined with small coastal populations and few marinas along the North Queensland coast, equates to these areas being virtually untouched and free of any commercial fishing pressure. In the sparse inadequately surveyed areas shown on local charts, we have through the years discovered some absolutely awesome uncharted sea mounts and pinnacles for popping and jigging.